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CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle method that detects and corrects imbalances or restrictions in the spinal cord. CST balances the energy between the cranium and sacrum and is able to deal with a vast number of issues such as chronic pain management, sports injuries, and even neurological disorders such as stroke, dyslexia, and migraines.

Physical trauma usually leaves a negative emotional imprint and eventually causes "energy cysts".  Although you can adjust to energy cysts, over time your body needs extra energy energy to continue performing its day-to-day functions. As years go by, the body becomes more stressed and loses its abilities. That's when symptoms and dysfunctions begin to surface.

CranioSacral Therapy is a tool that helps you dealing with stress, and other related emotions. During a CranioSacral therapy session, hidden or forgotten emotions can resurface. Somato-Emotional Release (SER) is a tool that allows you to process your feelings and helps you get rid of long-held negative emotions. 

Acupuncture Treatment
CranioSacral Therapy/ SER I & II: Services
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