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Medical Intuition is considered part of the emerging field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Biofield Sciences and focuses on visualization skills and in-depth intuitive scanning to obtain information from the physical body and energy systems for health and well-being.

Medical Intuition is designed to assist a practitioner in intuitively assessing imbalances in the physical systems of the body as well as in the energy systems of the body, including the auric field and chakras (the biofield). In addition, Medical Intuition can assist in assessing the energetic influence of thoughts, beliefs and emotions and how they impact the health and well-being of the individual.

Although Medical Intuition uses the word "medical," the use of Medical Intuition is not to be construed as the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or any other licensed healthcare practice, and is not to be considered a replacement for medical care, diagnosis, therapy, counseling or treatment of any kind. Always refer to a licensed healthcare professional for health care. A Medical Intuition session is solely intended to bring into conscious awareness information to assist an individual in addressing issues or concerns.

Medical Intuitive: Services
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