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Yoga by the Ocean


Louise Rossi is a Registered Nurse and Certified Clinical Nutritionist with more than 35 years of experience in the medical field.

Initially, she worked as a Registered Nurse in many hospitals in NYC. These included critical care areas such as CCU and ICU and opened heart units. After healing her own health challenges, and often seeing people at end of life illnesses she wanted to help people stay healthy so they would not end up in critical care units. After studying nutrition on her own, she decided to get a Master’s Degree in Biology and Nutrition in the early 1980’s. She became associated with many of the forerunners in the holistic/alternative medicine movement, such as Dr. Harold Markus and Dr. Robert Atkins. While working in the holistic field, she also attended the Ericksonian Institute for Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, studied CranioSacral therapy, acupressure,  OrthoBionomy, Reiki, Theta Healing, Matrix Energetics, aromatherapy, and many other healing modalities.

Working with clients, she is able to combine her knowledge and understanding of traditional medicine, with alternative/holistic healing modalities. This allows clients to have a more comprehensive approach to their individual health concerns.

About Louise: About
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